Precious Brazil believes Brazil will be strengthened as a global exporter of gems after AGTA GemFair Tucson bans synthetic gems from fairs starting in 2025. 

In 2022 alone, Brazil produced approximately 670,000 tons of gems. Minas Gerais recorded over a thousand tons, securing the top spot in production. This is according to data gathered by the National Mining Agency (ANM), released in January 2024. (Source:,mais%20de%20mil%20de%20toneladas)

Given this production capacity and the prohibition of displaying loose gems or jewelry containing non-natural stones at all AGTA GemFair Tucson fairs starting in 2025, it is believed that Brazil can reach new levels of global exports. Clarissa Maciel, manager of the Precious Brazil Project, an initiative of the Brazilian Gems and Jewellery Trade Association (IBGM) and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil), considers that Brazilian diversity and expertise are great allies in highlighting the country in the sector.

“Brazil knows how to work gems with excellence. It’s because Brazilian lapidarists make very good use of each stone, making it a desirable product in the market,” assesses Maciel.

Brazilian gems in numbers

As the world leader in production quantity and variety, Brazil has a total of 109 gems, according to the Geological Survey of Brazil (SGB). Among them are organic gems, garnets, olivines, beryls, topaz, opals, and more. (Source:

Minas Gerais leads the ranking of gem and artifact exports, with a value of US$102,765,976 (FOB value) in 2023. Meanwhile, Bahia was the region that exported the most diamonds, with a total of US$17,342,262 (FOB value) also in 2023.

In total, in the last year, Brazil exported the equivalent of US$219,754,114 (FOB value) in gems and artifacts and US$24,860,373 in diamonds. Among the countries that imported the most from Brazil are the United States, China – Hong Kong, Thailand, India, and Germany.

About ApexBrasil

The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil) works to promote Brazilian products and services abroad and attract foreign investment to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy. The Agency carries out diverse commercial promotion initiatives, including prospective and trade missions, business rounds, sponsoring Brazilian companies’ participation in major international fairs, and facilitating visits by foreign buyers and opinion leaders to learn about the Brazilian production landscape.

About IBGM

The Brazilian Gems and Jewellery Trade Association is a national, non-profit private entity founded in 1977. Its mission is to represent, integrate, develop, and promote all segments of the gem, jewelry, and fashion jewelry chain. The association works as an advocate for their interests and by promoting knowledge transfer, trust, and appreciation of their products among consumers.

About Precious Brazil

The Industry Sector Project  Precious Brazil aims to support and promote Brazilian companies in the Minerals, gemstones,  jewelry, and fashion accessories segments that seek to export their products, whether they are beginners, exporters, or already internationalized. Coordinated by IBGM – The Brazilian Gems and Jewellery Trade Association in partnership with ApexBrasil – Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency – the project currently serves approximately 150 companies in the industry.